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sDDDDDДата: Понедельник, 25.05.2009, 14:54 | Сообщение # 1
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Сообщений: 40
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Вот вам скриптик большого сворачивающегося,древовидного меню...
<title>Virtual Tree</title>

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">

//each node in the tree is an Array with 4+n positions
// node[0] is 0/1 when the node is closed/open
// node[1] is 0/1 when the folder is closed/open
// node[2] number of children that are documents
// node[3] is the name of the folder
// node[4]...node[4+n] are the n children nodes

// ***************
// Building the data in the tree

function generateTree()
var aux1, aux2, aux3, aux4


foldersTree = gFld("Начало")

aux1 = insFld(foldersTree, gFld("Локальные документы"))
insDoc(aux1, gLnk(0, "Кладовая", "/repository/index.html"))
insDoc(aux1, gLnk(0, "Детская", "/nursery/index.html"))
aux1 = insFld(foldersTree, gFld("Избранное в Web"))
aux2 = insFld(aux1, gFld("Узлы друзей"))
insDoc(aux2,gLnk(1, "Андрей Аликберов", "www.citmgu.ru/~andreya/"))
insDoc(aux2,gLnk(1, "Андрей Юрченко", "www.ocs.ru/~andin/"))
insDoc(aux2,gLnk(1, "Сергей Новиков", "novikov.com/"))
aux2 = insFld(aux1, gFld("Чтение"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Новости"))
aux4 = insFld(aux3, gFld("Погода"))
insDoc(aux4, gLnk(1, "Concord, NH", "cnn.com/WEATHER/html/ConcordNH.html"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "PUBLICO", "www.publico.pt/publico/hoje"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Diário de Noticias", "www.dn.pt/homepage/home.htm"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "ABCnews", "abcnews.com/"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "CNN", "www.cnn.com/"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "BBC", "news.bbc.co.uk/"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Computer News Daily", "nytsyn.com/live/Latest/"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Cartoons"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "The Dilbert Zone", "www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert/"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Randy Glasbergen", "www.borg.com/~rjgtoons/toon.html"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Science"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Discover Magazine", "www.enews.com/magazines/discover/page1a.html"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Scientific American", "www.sciam.com/"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Reference"))
aux4 = insFld(aux3, gFld("Web Authoring"))
insDoc(aux4, gLnk(1, "Bare Bones Guide to HTML", "werbach.com/barebones/barebone.html"))
insDoc(aux4, gLnk(1, "JavaScript Guide", "home.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/3.0/handbook/javascript/index.html"))
insDoc(aux4, gLnk(1, "Excite Help: Getting Listed", "www.excite.com/Info/listing.html"))
insDoc(aux4, gLnk(1, "Web Site Garage", "www.websitegarage.com/"))
insDoc(aux4, gLnk(1, "Using META Tags", "www.virtualpromote.com/metatag.html"))
aux4 = insFld(aux3, gFld("Телефоны"))
insDoc(aux4, gLnk(1, "118 (Portugal)", "www.telecom.pt/118net"))
insDoc(aux4, gLnk(1, "BigYellow (USA)", "s8.bigyellow.com/"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Internet Movie Database", "us.imdb.com/"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "MapQuest! Interactive Atlas Welcome!", "www.mapquest.com/cgi-bin/mqatlas?screen=wm_register&link=wm_main&uid=104adz16d09jizx"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "HomeArts Recipe Finder", "homearts.com/waisform/recipe.htm"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "How Things Work Home Page", "landau1.phys.virginia.edu/Education/Teaching/HowThingsWork/"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Компьютеры"))
insDoc(aux3,gLnk(1, "Byte", "www.byte.com/"))
insDoc(aux3,gLnk(1, "Python", "www.python.org/"))
insDoc(aux3,gLnk(1, "ZDNet", "www.zdnet.com"))
insDoc(aux2, gLnk(1, "Newsgroups (using the web)", "www.dejanews.com"))
insDoc(aux2, gLnk(1, "Motorcyle", "www.motorcycle.com"))
insDoc(aux2, gLnk(1, "Agenda Cultural de Lisboa", "portugal.hpv.pt/lisboa/agenda/"))
aux2 = insFld(aux1, gFld("Вперед!"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Снег"))
insDoc(aux3,gLnk(1, "Loon Mountain", "www.loonmtn.com/"))
insDoc(aux3,gLnk(1, "Gunstock", "www.gunstock.com/"))
insDoc(aux3,gLnk(1, "Wachusett", "www.wachusett.com/"))
aux2 = insFld(aux1, gFld("Поиск"))
insDoc(aux2, gLnk(1, "Excite", "www.excite.com"))
insDoc(aux2, gLnk(1, "Altavista", "altavista.digital.com"))
insDoc(aux2, gLnk(1, "SAPO (portuguese sites)", "sapo.ua.pt"))
insDoc(aux2, gLnk(1, "Point's Top 5%", "www.pointcom.com/"))
insDoc(aux2, gLnk(1, "Top 5% Portugal", "www.ip.pt/top5portugal/main.html"))
aux2 = insFld(aux1, gFld("Live feed"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Радио"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Rádio Comercial On-line", "www.radiocomercial.pt/audio/audio.html"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "TSF- A Rádio em Directo", "www.tsf.pt/"))
aux2 = insFld(aux1, gFld("Downloads"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Shareware"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Windows95.com", "www.windows95.com/apps"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "shareware.com", "www.shareware.com"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Firmware"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Iomega zip", "www.iomega.com/product/zip/index.html"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "USRobotics", "www.usrobotics.com/home/20411.02.html"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Matrox Mystique", "www.matrox.com/mgaweb/3dgaming.htm"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Radio Track", "www.aimslab.com/"))
aux2 = insFld(aux1, gFld("Магазины"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Книги"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Amazon.com Books", "www.amazon.com/"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Mistral Books", "www.mistral.ru/"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Hardware & Software"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "ISN - Internet Shopping Network", "www.internet.net/"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Computer Express", "www.cexpress.com/"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Shopping Center"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "IMALL Homepage", "www.imall.com/"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "BizWeb", "www.bizweb.com/"))
aux3 = insFld(aux2, gFld("Car & services"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "Edmund's Automobile Buyer's Guides", "www.edmunds.com/"))
insDoc(aux3, gLnk(1, "NY Times guide", "www.nytimes.com/yr/mo/day/auto/autonav.html"))

clickOnFolderRec(foldersTree, "Начало")

// Auxiliary function to build the node
function gFld(name)
var arrayAux

arrayAux = new Array
arrayAux[0] = 0
arrayAux[1] = 0
arrayAux[2] = 0
arrayAux[3] = name

return arrayAux

//Append Child of type Folder
function insFld(parent, child)
parent[parent.length] = child
return child

//Append Child of type Doc
function insDoc(parent, child)
parent[2] = parent[2] + 1
parent[parent.length] = child
return child

//these are the last entries in the hierarchy, the local and remote links to html documents (gLnk=generateLinkEntry)
function gLnk(icon, docDescription, link)
return daveLnk(icon, docDescription, link)

var retString =""

if (icon==0)
retString = "<A href='"+link+"' target=folderFrame><img src='doc.gif' alt='Opens in right frame'"
if (icon==1)
retString = "<A href='http://"+link+"' target=_blank><img src='link.gif' alt='Opens in new window'"
retString = "<A href='http://"+link+"' target=folderFrame><img src='link.gif' alt='Opens in right frame'"

retString = retString + " border=0></a><td nowrap><font size=-1 face='Arial, Helvetica'>" + docDescription + "</font>"

return retString


// This function by davespeed
function daveLnk(icon, docDescription, link)
var retString =""
var l1=""
var l2="folderFrame"
var l3="doc"
var l4="right frame"

if (icon!=0) {
l4="new window"
if (icon==2) {
l4="right frame"
retString = "<A href='"+l1+link+"' target="+l2+"><img src='"+l3+".gif' alt='Opens in " +l4+ "' border=0></a><td nowrap><A href='"+l1+link+"' target="+l2+"><font size=-1 face='Arial, Helvetica'>" + docDescription + "</font></a>"

return retString


// **********************
// display functions

//redraws the left frame
function redrawTree()
var doc = top.treeFrame.window.document

doc.write("<body bgcolor='white'>\n")
redrawNode(foldersTree, doc, 0, 1, "")

//recursive function over the tree structure called by redrawTree
function redrawNode(foldersNode, doc, level, lastNode, leftSide)
var j=0
var i=0
var numberOfFolders
var numberOfDocs

doc.write("<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n")
doc.write("<tr>\n<td valign = middle nowrap>\n")


if (level>0)
if (lastNode) //the last 'brother' in the children array
doc.write("<img src='lastnode.gif' width=16 height=22>")
leftSide = leftSide + "<img src='blank.gif' width=16 height=22>"
doc.write("<img src='node.gif' width=16 height=22>")
leftSide = leftSide + "<img src='vertline.gif' width=16 height=22>"

displayIconAndLabel(foldersNode, doc)

if (foldersNode.length > 4 && foldersNode[0]) //there are sub-nodes and the folder is open
numberOfFolders = foldersNode.length - 4 - foldersNode[2]

// display the folders
level = level + 1
for (i=4 ; i < 4 + numberOfFolders; i++)
if (i == (foldersNode.length - 1))
redrawNode(foldersNode[i], doc, level, 1, leftSide)
redrawNode(foldersNode[i], doc, level, 0, leftSide)
// display the documents
for ( i = 4 + numberOfFolders; i < foldersNode.length ; i++ )
doc.write("<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 valign=middle>")
doc.write("<tr><td nowrap>")
if (i == foldersNode.length - 1)
doc.write("<img src='lastnode.gif' width=16 height=22>")
doc.write("<img src='node.gif' width=16 height=22>")

//builds the html code to display a folder and its label
function displayIconAndLabel(foldersNode, doc)
doc.write("<A href='javascript:top.openBranch(\"" + foldersNode[3] + "\")'")
if (foldersNode[1])
doc.write(" onMouseOver=\'window.status=\"Close folder\"; return true\'><img src=")
doc.write("openfolder.gif width=24 height=22 border=noborder></a>")
doc.write("onMouseOver='window.status=\"Open folder\"; return true'><img src=")
doc.write("closedfolder.gif width=24 height=22 border=noborder></a>")
doc.write("<td valign=middle align=left nowrap>")
doc.write("<font size=-1 face='Arial, Helvetica'>"+foldersNode[3]+"</font>")

// Recursive functions

//when a parent is closed all children also are
function closeFolders(foldersNode)
var i=0

for (i=4; i< foldersNode.length - foldersNode[2]; i++)

foldersNode[0] = 0
foldersNode[1] = 0

//recursive over the tree structure
//called by openbranch
function clickOnFolderRec(foldersNode, folderName)
var i=0

if (foldersNode[3] == folderName)
if (foldersNode[0])
foldersNode[0] = 1
foldersNode[1] = 1
for (i = 4 ; i < foldersNode.length - foldersNode[2]; i++)
clickOnFolderRec(foldersNode[i], folderName)

// ********************
// Event handlers

//called when the user clicks on a folder
function openBranch(branchName)
clickOnFolderRec(foldersTree, branchName)
if (branchName==foldersTree[3] && foldersTree[0]==0)
top.folderFrame.location="basefolder.html" //closing the root folder
//makes the welcome page to show
timeOutId = setTimeout("redrawTree()",100)

//called after this html file is loaded
function initializeTree()

var foldersTree = 0
var timeOutId = 0
generateTree() //sometimes when the user reloads the document Netscape 3.01 does not trigger the onLoad event (!!)


<FRAMESET cols="352" onLoad='initializeTree()'>
<FRAME src="basetree.html" name="treeFrame" scrolling="auto">



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